
Public funding :

The LAPLACE project has been awarded funding from the CPER Ile-de France 2023-2027. The funding mainly covers investments in infrastructure and equipment for building our new facility. The main funding agencies are the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), the Ministère des Armées, the Ministère de l’enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche, and finally the Région Ile-de-France.

Private investors :

L’institut Pierre Lamoure has decided to fund the LAPLACE project by awarding an Ecole Polytechnique Research Chair entitled: “High-Repetition Rate Laser-Plasma Acceleration”, chaired by Jérôme Faure. The inauguration and signature of the chair occurred on March 29th 2023.

Industrial and academic partners :

Since 2022, Thales has been a privileged partner through the partnership agreement HERACLES3 involving Thales, CNRS and Institut Polytechnique de Paris. The goal is to create a common research laboratory between our institutions in order to boost the development of new and cutting-edge laser technologies. In LAPLACE, Thales is currently developing the high-repetition rate, high-average power laser that will be used for driving our prototype high-repetition rate laser-plasma accelerator.